Easy.vc Solutions
Tempura’s easy.vc hosted video conferencing service is split into 2 distinct service offerings 1 based on Vidyo technology and the other a standards based Video Bridging and ISDN Gateway service offering.
Since 2009 we have ran our own hosted environment offering Vidyo technology. This service has been made end of life for new customers and we are novating easy.vc existing customers across to Vidyo Cloud. The older bridging estate and ISDN Gateway is being killed off following our distribution agreement with Videxio that will power the easy.vc service moving forward.
easy.vc services for new customers – specifically focused on offering System Registration services to provide internet presence to videoconferencing systems, in particular Yealink VCS as well as Polycom, Lifesize, Cisco, Radvision, Sony and others and a separate Virtual Meeting Room services providing multi way calling with audio dial in and Skype for Business Interoperability and a bolt on service for Google Hangout Meetings Gateway.
The easy.vc service powered by Videxio also provides Personal desktop/tablet/mobile conferencing software solutions available on named user or enterprise wide licensing models.
For clients that pair easy.vc powered by Videxio with Yealink end points there are commercial offerings and incentives including free Wireless Data Sharing Dongles and monthly rental packs for systems and service as a one bill solution.