Cloud Virtual Meeting Room

Subscription service to enable multiple participants to join a single virtual meeting with Yealink or other brands of videoconferencing hardware.

There are 2 options on the service.

  1.  The standard service offers 2 virtual meeting rooms, 1 a 20 way use when you like service and the other a scheduled 20 way meeting room. The VMR supports both voice and video as well as support for Skype for Business users to dial in. The service also offered unlimited desktop licenses for desktop, laptop or tablet users to join the meeting from their own devices.
  2. The Premium service offers 2 virtual meeting rooms, 1 a 20 way use when you like service and the the other a scheduled 50 way meeting room. The VMR supports both voice and video as well as support for Skype for Business users to dial in. The service also offered unlimited desktop licenses for desktop, laptop or tablet users to join the meeting from their own devices.

Any customers taking this service can register the T49 Videophone to the Cloud Registration Service for free. MORE INFORMATION